Mary's Pink Star Resonator
Source Field Connector
Aquamarine Star Resonator
Aquamarine Star Resonator
Violet Star Resonator White Light Resonator
Violet Star Resonator White Light Resonator
Source Field Resonator
Source Field Resonator
Star Resonator 2 Stargate
Star Resonator 2 Stargate

Star Resonator Source Field Connectors & Devices

With Sedona Vortex New Earth Crystals

New Earth Sacred Technology

Star Resonator Source Field StarGate Pendants With Rare Sedona Vortex New Earth Crystals from the City of Lights

Sacred Technologies that came from the future for our current times from the higher dimensional The Pleiadains areResonator Jewelery happy this technology is on the planet to assist humanity. Shekina Rose had a contact experience with a ship and in person in Sedona AZ. on the 11 :11. This contact created a powerful activation and awakening. As a result, downloads of enormous amounts of Ancient Sacred Technologies from the higher realms came through, then she began creating Ancient Sacred Technologies, and Stargate pendants.

Star Resonators represent all the Rays and their sacred lineages. Created in the Sedona Vortex City of Lights where the crystals have manifested for this incredible Technology, attributes include:

  • Unscrambling of any distortions in frequency to Source * Protection from electromagnetic radiation and EMFs
  • The 333 Divine Original Codes of your Blueprint
  • Raising of your frequency to your star lineage codes
  • Breaking through interdimensional Sacred Technology Code activation sequence of your Divine original blueprint and connection, with Swarovski crystals that represent the Ray lineage encodements
  • Source field resonator that has come from the other side to the future for this time on Gaia to awaken the physical body’s crystalline light structure

Star Resonator Source Field StarGate Pendant of Sedona Vortex New Earth Crystals from the City of Lights

Each color of the Swarovski crystals represents the Ray lineage encodements activation Sedona Vortex City of light Crystals

These crystals are from the vortex, a cosmic portal of the Crystalline Grid, which is an energetic lattice of ley lines of the higher multidimensions supporting the ascension.

Resonator Testimonial

  • The Star Resonators are gifts from the Heavens. They reconnect us to the Light that we came from, that our Souls were birthed from. The sparkles of stars that became Consciousness when they gathered together as one Being. When Shekina held up the star resonator in the sunlight it light up in a sequence that spoke to me and I felt my 3rd eye open and my entire energy shifted. I was blown away. I felt the energy open up within ourselves. My life has shifted in many way. The most powerful piece of this experience for me is that the night before the Star Resonator "spoke", I was gifted with the vision of seeing the sequential pattern of Codes that shift the Energy field of a Human Being and then saw this exact Light Code Sequence in the Star Resonator Pendant Sacred Technology. Blessings to my Sacred Soul Sister Shekina of the Hummingbird Tribe for bringing this to All.♡
    ~Kymberley Griffin

To see ALL our available Resonator pieces, click and go to The Rose Store

Star Resonator Source Field StarGate Pendants With Rare Sedona Vortex New Earth Crystals from the City of Lights.

Sacred Technologies that came from the future for our current times from the higher dimensional The pleiadians are happy this technology is on the planet to assist humanity. Shekina Rose had a contact experience with a ship and in person in Sedona AZ. on the (11:11) This contact created a powerful activation and awakening. As a result, downloads of enormous amounts of Ancient Sacred Technologies from the higher realms came through. whereas she began creating Ancient Sacred Technologies, and Stargate pendants.

​Violet Star Resonator with Amethyst


Aquamarine Blue Ray and turquoise center StarResonator

Aquamarine Blue Ray and turquoise center StarResonator


Kristina's Sapphire Blue Ray Star Resonator with Sedona Moonstone
