Shekina is a rare case of one who is incarnated and holding and bringing in the energies of the Goddess of the Highest Dimensions. She channels a very rare and pure form of the Goddess Source. She is an ambassador for the Light of the Holy Spirit; maybe she is a Seraphim...or simply a representative from the realm of the dicine mother godess in a human body, labels aside, she is a rare being
Hi Shekina, I can not express the amazing diferrence I felt IMMEDIATELY during and after our session. I must not have been in my body for a long time and didn't even realize it because the peace and wholeness I felt was a big contrast of how I had been feeling. I want to follow your insights as carefully as possible and feel they will be wonderful tools to gaining and keeping balance in my life. I appriciate the work and YOU very much. I am greatful for the healind and insgihts
Hi Shekina Wow, I was so taken by your sound healing transmissions. it filled me with incredible Light! You are definately here from the High Council of you are a being of pure beauty, love & light. Thank you for the amazing divine healing.
Hello Shekina, Thank you very much for this morning. The words are flowing all around me and I am looking forward to being with them in sacred silence today. I'd been hearing a Divine Feminine Energy saying to me, "How much are you willing to receive?" and I am always reminded of a quote attributed to Master Jesus, "This and more you shall do." I'm telling you because I know beyond words that this morning's session was a gift of great .......words, words, I have no words to match the power of the gift! So I will leave it at that and hope you understand my gratitude.
Shekina, is a wonderful, pure of heart and connected to spirit in every way. She will guide you to your true divine connection of God.
I am so happy you created this download! My whole body ignited when I played 'Crystal Keys Awakening Wave'! It was a tingling, wondrous, nurturing feeling I've been wanting deep inside. I also played it for my mother, she blissed out. I play your album every day, and it helps to clear the energy in the air. My crystal friends love it! We thank you so much for channeling this sacred communication for everyone so they too can experience another awakening through the Sedona Crystals.
Dear Shekina I was directed to your site. I was told by a very Powerful medium friend quite some time ago that I was a Blue Ray but only recently have I been Shown the beautiful significance of this Honor. my Loving Friends sang a beautiful song to me saying "You Are an Opener of Hearts, a Healer of pain and suffering." your wonderful writings have been of amazing help with my Understanding of what it means to be a Blue Ray and with daily Gratitude, Prayer and Meditation, it becomes even more Clear. I just wanted to say Thank You. you are a great Blessing to those who have and who will become Aware of a beautiful Truth. God Bless This morning I was suffering from various problems, to do with Breathing. Then I heard you singing the Angels in my head, I can still hear you :-) Thank you, words cannot express my gratitude enough, my breathing is back to normal :-)
Dear Shekina Your pineal gland stargate 3rd eye activation is absolutely fantastic and I have played it 3 times over the last four days and each time I feel amazing and starting to see color, shapes and auras clearer and I will continue to listen. Since listening to it, i actually am making sounds and noises – i am loving your creation sound it is amazing and cannot get enough of it. I am also listening to your Archangel attunements on Spotify everyday and listening to your YouTube clips.
Thank you, dear Shekina for the MOST AMAZING QUAN YIN NECKLACE EVER! Quan Yin thinks it is a powerful spiritual force, and that we are going to change power structures wearing it.
Shekina, you again touch the hearts, souls and minds of the people of this beautiful planet with your unique divine connection to the celestial realms. You, by your vibration, voice and actions inspired many to be better people. You touch their hearts. Thank you for your continued commitment, and work, to inspire all of us to be better, higher version of ourselves. ~ Tolec.
Shekina is a rare case of one who is incarnated and holding and bringing in the energies of the Goddess of the Highest Dimensions. She channels a very rare and pure form of the Goddess Source. She is an ambassador for the Light of the Holy Spirit; maybe she is a Seraphim...or simply a representative from the realm of the dicine mother godess in a human body, labels aside, she is a rare being
Hi Shekina, I can not express the amazing diferrence I felt IMMEDIATELY during and after our session. I must not have been in my body for a long time and didn't even realize it because the peace and wholeness I felt was a big contrast of how I had been feeling. I want to follow your insights as carefully as possible and feel they will be wonderful tools to gaining and keeping balance in my life. I appriciate the work and YOU very much. I am greatful for the healind and insgihts
Hi Shekina Wow, I was so taken by your sound healing transmissions. it filled me with incredible Light! You are definately here from the High Council of you are a being of pure beauty, love & light. Thank you for the amazing divine healing.
Hello Shekina, Thank you very much for this morning. The words are flowing all around me and I am looking forward to being with them in sacred silence today. I'd been hearing a Divine Feminine Energy saying to me, "How much are you willing to receive?" and I am always reminded of a quote attributed to Master Jesus, "This and more you shall do." I'm telling you because I know beyond words that this morning's session was a gift of great .......words, words, I have no words to match the power of the gift! So I will leave it at that and hope you understand my gratitude.
Shekina, is a wonderful, pure of heart and connected to spirit in every way. She will guide you to your true divine connection of God.
I am so happy you created this download! My whole body ignited when I played 'Crystal Keys Awakening Wave'! It was a tingling, wondrous, nurturing feeling I've been wanting deep inside. I also played it for my mother, she blissed out. I play your album every day, and it helps to clear the energy in the air. My crystal friends love it! We thank you so much for channeling this sacred communication for everyone so they too can experience another awakening through the Sedona Crystals.
Dear Shekina I was directed to your site. I was told by a very Powerful medium friend quite some time ago that I was a Blue Ray but only recently have I been Shown the beautiful significance of this Honor. my Loving Friends sang a beautiful song to me saying "You Are an Opener of Hearts, a Healer of pain and suffering." your wonderful writings have been of amazing help with my Understanding of what it means to be a Blue Ray and with daily Gratitude, Prayer and Meditation, it becomes even more Clear. I just wanted to say Thank You. you are a great Blessing to those who have and who will become Aware of a beautiful Truth. God Bless This morning I was suffering from various problems, to do with Breathing. Then I heard you singing the Angels in my head, I can still hear you :-) Thank you, words cannot express my gratitude enough, my breathing is back to normal :-)
Dear Shekina Your pineal gland stargate 3rd eye activation is absolutely fantastic and I have played it 3 times over the last four days and each time I feel amazing and starting to see color, shapes and auras clearer and I will continue to listen. Since listening to it, i actually am making sounds and noises – i am loving your creation sound it is amazing and cannot get enough of it. I am also listening to your Archangel attunements on Spotify everyday and listening to your YouTube clips.
Thank you, dear Shekina for the MOST AMAZING QUAN YIN NECKLACE EVER! Quan Yin thinks it is a powerful spiritual force, and that we are going to change power structures wearing it.