Ascension Higher Self Embodiment/Divine Soul Alignment Soul Star 8th Chakra upgrade Connection/phone session
In this holy Soul ascension higher self-embodiment Holy Spirit session, you can strengthen your soul's wisdom, gifts, higher purpose, channeling, medium abilities, and healing. In awakening and activation of the soul star the eighth chakra.
Through divine sound and intuitive psychic sight, we will locate your where your holy cords are at the crown chakra's assist their ability at this time to fully connected to your higher self and Higher Source, the purest form of Love, in order to enhance your channeling abilities.
Working in unison with your higher self to assist in any releases of past life issues, beliefs, and healing, to allow for enhanced access, creates a holy bridge between the Higher Self and the 8th Soul Star chakra. Creating a more expansive expression of your authentic self and a deeper experience of the Divine.
We will also be using the Sedona White light Crystals to access the pure light crystalline Consciousness holy portal, (The Joy of Living Codes ) An activation of through the Mother Tongue of Sophia, the Language of Light, the Language of the Angels.
- If you are ready for the next level of embodiment, we will attune you through the higher heart the rose frequency of your holy spirit and your 8th chakra higher self.
- Hear the most important message from your Higher Self.
- Increase and activate more of your Divine vehicle, your Light body,
- Experience Clarity, Love, Support, Souls purpose, and Access to your spiritual gifts
The soul star is the seat of the Soul It is fundamental to your purpose, life mission, and link to a broader spiritual and cosmic consciousness. It connects us to other dimensions and mediumship.
- Over the phone session 60 to 80 minutes depending on the sacred work that's need to occur, this is your communion with your Holy source and healing, messages, ascended Masters and Angels that will show up to assist you in this life.
- Shekina Rose spends 30 minutes before your session with your Soul, Higher Self and Guides. She receives clear direct guidance and starts the healing and activation process and performs the advanced scanning method to remotely scan your body's energy fields and repair them.
Each session is unique in how your soul spirit will communicate and that is perfectly designed for you and your path, life and purpose on this Earth.
Shekina Rose has been gifted with amazing extra sensory spiritual sight, clarity, transcendence, communion with the higher realms and the healing codes of Creation; the miracle sound Solfeggio Frequencies that has been documented by science. Through her sacred abilities to connect astrally at the highest level, Shekina Rose can see your Soul Spirit essence bringing the healing Codes and wisdom giving you exactly what it is needed at the time of your session.
Hi Shekina,
I want to acknowledge and thank you again for sharing your gifts with me. I have been feeling so elevated and spiritually supported since our session. You are just amazing and your work is so profoundly beautiful!