
Gold Sedona Portal of the Vortex Crystal

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Product Details

Golden Sedona crystal Rare manifestation from the Sedona Universal City Of Lights Atlantean Golden Age.

Connects all the chakras, but especially the crown chakra. Clears stagnant and blocked energies from one's energy fields.

Golden Sedona crystal It can help with recovering from the emotional effects of abusive situations and relationships. Golden Sedona crystal is said to encourage responsibility in leadership and the correct use of power. It is good for confidence and increases feelings of self worth and courage.

Works with the Golden Rayof the Christ Consciousness brings with it qualities of peace, harmony, unconditional love, abundance, creativity, and probably most importantly, it balances the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies within. It is particularly potent at healing deep trauma from past and concurrent lifetimes that prevent the soul from being whole.

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