
Powerful PLEIADIAN Gold Cosmic Violet 333 Healing Codes/Universal Frequency Harmonizer Pendant $288

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Product Details

Sacred Technology Quantum Frequency Field Harmonics ~ This Universal Frequency Harmonizer signature is

Powerful PLEIADIAN Gold Cosmic 333 Healing Codes ~ Bringing the gift of broadcasting unconditional love frequencies Universal Cosmic Heart with the support of the Pleaidan Healing template.

Universal Frequency Harmonizer Pendant is a broadcaster generator of the Holy tones Harmonics of the Creators Codes. Attuned through the Sun creating a Holy protective Light Shield, through a sacred technology of Quantum Frequency Field Harmonics.

*For more information go to link here Universal Frequency Harmonizer Pendant Sacred Technology Quantum Frequency Field Harmonics

By wearing your pendant will increase your Vibrational Frequency to a higher field of Creators tones.

  • Connects You to a higher Frequency the Harmonic Creator Codes providing a protection Light shield of Harmonic resonance. ~ Tunes you in to the true internet with the Higher dimensions with the true Creators pure codes of Harmony and Divine alignment.

Holding your pendant while listening to the Sun Holy tones attunement activation mediation will help to increase the connections with your personal energy field to the Higher resonance field.


  • Made of copper gold bronze The pendant measures from bail 40 mm long and 33 mm wide
  • Enhancing the Divine Frequency Violet purple and blue illumination Swarovski crystals for unique sacred creation and personal attunements for the Soul chakra and Soul Liberation The violet ray resonates with the quality of mercy and forgiveness which is used for the transmutation of negativity and ancient karmic conditions that might hinder the soul’s progress.
  • Gold has been called "the master healer" assist in one's true radiance to shine.
  • Each Sacred Creation is personally attuned with the Creators sequence Codes.

Healing and Metaphysically benefits of Copper:
Chakras Base and Sacral Chakra Copper is known to stimulate the flow of energy and enhance psychic abilities. Known as an energy conductor copper can move energy, amplify thoughts, assist in channeling and communicating with higher dimensional beings.

Copper can also ground and move wide array of vibrational frequencies from the spiritual realm to the physical realm.

What their saying about Gorgeous Gold Cosmic Rose Love Radiance Testimonials:

Hi Shekina,

Thank you for your beautiful harmonizer pendant. It is so beautiful, and its energy is so potent. I love it. I am more connected since I wear it, getting a lot of downloads, and connecting to the starbeings, I feel so full of Joy and Love. Thanks! M. United Kingdom


I could feel the energy of the gold cosmic rose love harmonizer pendant as soon as I unwrapped it and even smelt beautifully ;) Thanks for being a part of my transformation. The energy of the harmonizer pendant is so nice and strong that I am having massive shifts and its harmonizing my whole body.

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