
WA HE AH Sterling Silver/Goddess Fairy Angel Deva/Retreat Fairy sale Blue Violet Crystal $233/$313

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Product Details

“WA HE Ah” a Goddess Fairy Angel Deva is an Power Amulet of Radiance, Transformation, Alchemy of the New Earth, and the Christed Female template. “WA HE Ah”also carries the symbol of Hathor the Egyptian Goddess of Love.

A sterling silver creation with special Blue Violet Swarovski crystal use as a pendant and power healing amulet to transform anything in your life to the highest embodiment. The blue Swarovski crystal assist in your divine powers with the Blue Ray.

The New frequency of heaven and Earth had been birth a new being of light has been created. YOU have been awakened and are the New Divine, Angelic Human, template.

The “Wa He Ah” pendant unites the Frequency strength of the new earth. It will bring you Freedom and sovereignty with divine power! Heaven and Earth will be united. A Liberation, Transformation and Transcendence. A Holy healing divinity. A new energy synergy from the Kingdoms of light. Feel your higher purpose.

It will empower you to shine your true essence and as a Lightworker, Higher beings of Light of the New codes frequency amplify and raising your frequency of Light. It is charged by the White light large master Sedona crystals technology.


Will empower your connection to the High Devic Angels to create magnificence in your life and for others.

Strengthen the beauty radiance of Sacred divine feminine Goddess YOU are to SHINE !

WE HE AH is a sound code code language of light fae portal to the Fairy, Devic, Mother Earth Gaia true spirit of magic and kingdoms of Light, you will have more access and divinity with them and creation power. They will give you sign after you have received your pendant be open to their message and Love connection to work with you.

Receive a free WA HE AH Fairy message to Humanity mp3 download with purchase

Healing and Metaphysically benefits of Silver:

Silver assists in increasing perception and helps to regulate emotional and intuitive energies. It provides for a very strong connection between the physical and astral bodies.

Silver can be used reach your soul level, to stimulate seeing oneself from outside of the body.

Silver, when used with gemstones, is able to both attract and retain those qualities which are emitted by the stone. The silver provides a steadying influence. It performs a balancing act by drawing negativity from the body while transferring the positive energies of other minerals in this case the Sedona white light crystal resonances.

Silver is known to enhance the powers of the moon and is excellent for use in energizing your intentions during the full and new moons.

Special practice of Love:

Every single WA HE AH pendant is activated by the Devic love frequency. I hold the pendant in my hand and my intention is for the highest love. I then put one hand on the address it's going to and the other hand holding the Sedona Angel pendant, singing a personal language of light blessings to you. The Sedona Angel pendant carries this personal blessing for you when you receive it.

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WA HE AH Sterling Silver/Goddess Fairy Angel Deva/Retreat Fairy sale Blue Violet Crystal $233/$313