
Your star origins and gifts ~Soul Star Alignment Galactic Origins DNA Human Codes Activation

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Once I receive your payment your will receive a time and date for your over the phone 40 min session with suggestions for your sessions and a phone number for you to call at your appointment time. ~Shekina Rose

Where I am from? What are my spiritual gifts that i brought from the stars? Who are my star family, my tribe of light? I wish to communicate with them.

It is time to communicate with higher dimensional beings and the sacred knowledge of your soul star. Soul Star Alignment Galactic DNA Human Codes will realign and activate you with the star systems of your origins, what is most significant to your soul that wants to communicate from the DNA codes of your Divine Original Blueprint. Through tele-etheric links of the sacred Language of Light, awaken abilities, information and telepathic awareness from those origins that are most prominent to your Galactic connections of Higher Frequency Energies.

Your crown chakra connects you to your soul star where there are three higher chakras / energy centers that will be activated to your Galactic DNA Human Codes. What will be revealed by these connections within the body and energy may be different and unique to each individual and will be determined by the groups, lineage, planets, realms you are from and are ready to know and be active to.

Find out what your ET, Galactic ancient lineages are and connections to:

  • The Soul Star Chakra
  • Enhanced Higher Self
  • Pineal gland awakening
  • Spiritual gifts
  • Astral travel, clairvoyance and telepathy
  • Powers of intuition
  • Greater connection to your Galactic guides, counsels and lineage
  • Divine white light
  • Your Greater Soul’s Purpose
  • Transcendence of lower energies and karma contracts
  • Tele-etheric communication

Shekina Rose spends 20 minutes before your session with your Soul, Higher Self and Guides. She receives clear direct guidance and starts the healing and activation process. To assist in getting the most out of your activation spend 20 minutes before your session allowing for this healing by being quiet, praying, listening to spiritual music or meditating.

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Your star origins and gifts ~Soul Star Alignment Galactic Origins DNA Human Codes Activation