Click Here for: Universal Frequency Harmonizer ~Holy Sun Tones meditation Activation
Dear Beloved Starseed, Light Worker and Blue Ray,
The Sun Solaris is emanating increasing harmonic codes from the New Light of Aquarius, the sound frequency / octaves of the New Earth. These light waves act as signals through the celestial heaven’s planetary bodies via the source of the Central Sun, heralding a new Light age of Universal co-creation with the Divine Mother Sound harmonics.
Coming through this transmission is a language of light activation from the Sun and Solar Angel Deity Holy tones transference, awakening your innate soul light within. These light waves are increasing your human body technology quantum light pathways via the receptive sacred divine feminine template that reactivates a unified field, harmonic tone resonance.
You are a unity light telepathic field, connected to each other through empathic Heart Light Source Resonance, much like the internet acts as an outward assimilation of connecting networks exchanging data between devices. This is an inner-net, connecting transmission information that follows a common language for communication between devices, Heart-based.
Beloved, you are this reflection of higher holy sacred technology. Your human design is an interdimensional transmitter light system, a telepathic innernet highway that can’t be shut down once it is recalibrated to its true Source. Abiding in Source, it will retain these resonances, beyond all polarity and separation, in Unity Consciousness.
The new sound Light frequency is signaling your inner knowing that it is high time to activate the true innernet of holy unity power within and sustain it via unity consciousness. Your multidimensional presence can exist perfectly within the Earthly reality [of duality] yet maintain resonance at the higher dimension consciousness. The dimensions and realms co-exist with each other in connecting levels and energy fields—a bridge—if you will.
You create the new earth as receiver and transmitter, energy alchemist, grid worker decoders, Blue Ray transformers of the frequencies, intuitive and expertly deciphering sound wave vibration and Light frequency. Your higher purpose mission to be awake aligns the body template to its true Source.
Your cells are encoded and respond to a cosmic universal language. When you are receptive to that note and tone frequency (listen), your higher light pathways sacred technology becomes activated, coming online with a Universal source field, harmonic tone resonance, the Divine Holy Matrix of Unity. Wealths of knowledge, information and awareness increase.
This connection is beyond manipulation and control; a quantum reunion between your God DNA and the harmonic creation, a holy communion of the intelligent Universal source field, is restored.
Find out if you are from the Blue Ray?
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process.
Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
Shekina Rose, Blue Ray Star born, Channel of the Blue Ray, was downloaded in 2008 that she was from the Blue Ray where she received the information and history of who these empathy sensitive Star beings their characteristics traits and their mission on the planet. Shekina has had 3 NDE where after, science analyzed her voice, and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love “(Solfeggio)” , Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet.
She is an Angelic Messenger Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist Intuitive empath a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions and Soul Readers
LANGUAGE OF LIGHT ~ From the Lemuria Portal at Cathedral Rock Vortex this transmission is activating the Blue Ray Body Template Codes of Light in the New Earth Unity Grid. That will unify and reawakening the sacred lineages of the Blue Ray of Creation. And will stabilizing the ultra sensitive empath energy bodies as you shift and go through the changes to a higher vibration
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process.
The higher octaves of the Blue Ray Wave of Creation of the June 2018 summer solstice will awaken dormant key tones of crystal, awakening the throat chakra and pineal gland. The Blue Ray Avatars Dolphin and Whales will be holding and anchoring these higher frequencies for the planet and for all who are open to receiving higher octaves of the DNA blueprint unity wave field. These anchored higher frequencies will assist with the ley lines and the crystal sonic restructuring patterns of the higher planes and fields of Gaia.
The higher octave tone frequencies awaken the body template stargates’ crystal codes, including the pineal gland, a stargate in the middle of the human brain—a bridge to higher dimensional awareness and time travel. There are multidimensional portals in the human body field of a crystalline nature that can be attuned for direct communion with the electro-magnetic energy of the grid and Universe.
These human stargate portals are avenues to unity consciousness and telepathic communication with your galactic and light families and the divine crystalline Earth grid. Key codes include cellular awakening of your divine original blueprint wherein the holding of the past can be completely transcended. The Divine holy matrix of the unity consciousness grid is re-emerging through this Golden Age of healing of Atlantis and the body template to serve a higher plan of light and oneness.
Allow your resonance to vibrate in the light of your true essence. The blue rays are being called to remember who they are to express the codes of light, the unique expression of the gifts of the Creator to be the frequency. Allow the light of Source through you so others may know home frequency and connection.
You may feel guided to be heard and to speak your truth and to take back your power where you may not have known that you needed to, as your emotional body intuitive template guide is showing you the way. The frequency is shifting you through timelines, relationships and circumstances so you may know the path and direction. As a blue ray, you follow the way of love and compassion through the heart of the Divine Mother’s Frequency.
The blue ray transformers are being called to set stronger boundaries and to transform the negative energies to the light. You are the frequency ambassador from your galactic, angelic, Light Council and groups and are being called to anchor the next direction of the ascension shift that happens through you.
The new higher octave is assisting you to allow yourself to be seen by not hiding your light. This loving presence through the Blue Ray of the Mother Frequency, the Dolphin, Whales and Sirius is strengthening you. She has heard your call for home.
Your presence is requested, required and needed as a divine gift for the planet and the Universe. Everything that happens to you along this path is a key for you to remember and to awaken in order to fully engage in this Holy Power of your Angel of Presence.