Featured Posts
- 09 November 2022 by Shekina Rose, in Blog,Featured Post
Blue Ray Ascension Symptoms Eclipse Cycle New Awakenings, Purification, Divine Power Frequency & Release
Beautiful Beloved Earth Keepers, Earth Sensitives, Blue Rays, Starseeds, Healers...READ MORE + - 27 January 2021 by Shekina Rose, in Blog,Featured Post
The New Technologies 2021 ~ Sun Solaris Illuminating A New Light of Aquarius
Art work by Mary Angelico Click Here for: Universal Frequency Harmonizer ~Holy...READ MORE +
Latest Blue Ray Transmissions
VIEW ALL -- 18 February 2021 by Shekina Rose, in Blog,Blue Ray
Why Am I An Empath? The Calling from Mother Earth Gaia The Lightworkers’ First Star Seed Mission
Hearing the clarion call of Light from your empathic soul heart—a beautiful, pow...READ MORE + - 21 October 2018 by Shekina Rose, in Blue Ray,Language Of Light,Video
Blue Ray Empath New Earth Body Template Unity Grid Activation
LANGUAGE OF LIGHT ~ From the Lemuria Portal at Cathedral Rock Vortex this transm...READ MORE + - 24 June 2018 by Shekina Rose, in Blue Ray,Transmission
Blue Ray Transmission: Higher Octave Ascension Wave
Blue Ray Transmission: Higher Octave Ascension Wave Avatars Dolphin & Whales...READ MORE +
Rose Transmissions

New Earth Accession Symptoms – Ultra-Sensitive Empath: Big Frequency Shift Influx of Light
So much is going on on the planet on so many different levels and realms, including the collective consciousness, Mother Earth, Gaia, and your own inner world. As a result, we wish to remind you of the necessity of remaining focused on what is yours, what is not, and who you are. What are your

High Solar Activity, the Pink Moon Ascension Energy & Symptoms
~The Big Highs and Lows ~ Gateways of Opportunity Those with increased sensitivity and empathic awareness—the Wayshowers, Blue Rays, and Starseeds—are more affected by other people’s energies, solar storms, intuiting the Earth’s changes, and planetary alignments. As you have less layers of density in your energy consciousness. And are more easily attuned to the group

Blue Ray Ascension Symptoms Eclipse Cycle New Awakenings, Purification, Divine Power Frequency & Release
Beautiful Beloved Earth Keepers, Earth Sensitives, Blue Rays, Starseeds, Healers, Angelics, Light Bearers, Planetary Gridworkers, Awakened Ones, We are currently in the midst of a massively revolutionary eclipse cycle of increased Light. Regardless of how long you’ve been on the path or awakened, for many of you, a new level of awakening is happening now.

Why Am I An Empath? The Calling from Mother Earth Gaia The Lightworkers’ First Star Seed Mission
Hearing the clarion call of Light from your empathic soul heart—a beautiful, powerful mission of Love—you seek the healing from the illusion separation of your human spirit from Creator. It was not that you were forced to come. Mother Earth sent out her signals for help. Throughout the sound waves of Creation, you recognize her

The New Technologies 2021 ~ Sun Solaris Illuminating A New Light of Aquarius
Art work by Mary Angelico Click Here for: Universal Frequency Harmonizer ~Holy Sun Tones meditation Activation Dear Beloved Starseed, Light Worker and Blue Ray, The Sun Solaris is emanating increasing harmonic codes from the New Light of Aquarius, the sound frequency / octaves of the New Earth. These light waves act as signals through the

Galactic Light Signals are Contacting You with the Shambhala New Earth Mission
The Inner Earth, Pleiadian Ascended Masters of Shambhala, Agartha and Galactic families are reaching out in communication via their ships, light ships, orbs, spheres, Light generator transmission, in dreams, and through telepathic and empathic communications. The Blue Rays, Starseeds, Lightworkers and Sensitive Empaths are being contacted by their star lineages and picking up signals and

Peacemakers Call into Action of service
Empaths Back on the Planet: Your Role Here as Peacemaker on Gaia Peace Makers Call into Action of service The dark serves the light You are vital for peace on the planet to take root. There are myriad expressions of the human DNA experiment on Gaia today. Because of certain influences of the creator gods,

Galactic Cycle Ending of the Blue Ray Starseeds 1st Mission New Evolutionary Timeline
You are experiencing an ending of a galactic alignment of a great cycle where soul agreements and deep emotions are coming up for review and completion, and where the 1st blue ray starseed mission has completed. The galactic alignment occurs once every 26,000 years, where your ancient indigenous people have prophesied great change, earth shifts,

You Have the Right to Know Who You Are 13
Shekina Rose and the Sacred Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace Our voice speaks in the power of Love of the Creator’s Heart and through all life for the Sacred Divine Feminine Light to be re-established within the Divine DNA Blueprint of Humanity. Our expressions of form have been established on Gaia as the

Blue Ray Transmission Empath Starbeing Angelic Gateway Dimensional Shift 444
By Shekina Rose A stronger connection to the Angelic realms to the planet has occurred There is no places that we cannot reach you on earth, we are here and always with you. The Angels A dimensional shift is occurring at this writing and beckoning you to awareness and to be a part of the

Angelic Love” 444 Gift from the Angels/Sung in a Angelic Language/Ancient Solfeggio
A love song from the Angels Free Gift to Humanity ~ Free download for Angelic Love You are not alone We the angels are with you and a part of humanity, Your essence is Love, and you are so beloved! These songs were “released” due to Keith’s Angel Wing creations. A stronger connection to the

Your DNA is Responding to New Codes: Body Changes Ascension Symptoms 333
Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission. Many of the Light Bearers frequency holders will experience an upgrade body shift of purification and will be responding to New Codes of light. Through your body template you will be shifting your vibrational frequency. This