
Here You Will Find All My Upcoming Events


   ~ $20 Donation 

Address: 25 Harmony Dr, Sedona, AZ 86336


Welcome to the Sedona Near Death Experience Channeling Heaven Event!  

A Very special and unique Near Death Experience, Out of Body & Spiritual Transformative Experiences Heaven's Event and community support group!

Shekina and Megan, share what they experienced in Heaven and other side of the veil in the Light. By connecting you to Heaven with transmission of Angelic Vocals Sacred transformative music from the Light.
1st hour personal messages from Heaven and the songs of your soul, music from the across the veil. Followed by a unity circle of support and healing, your sharing of your stories are optional.


Hear the beautiful sacred angelic healing music

Megan Brown Website Click here:


Sacred Sisters of the Rose & Initiation Event 2023

July 20th to 22nd 

Are you ready to gather for an impressive, powerful, and transformational three-day Sacred Sisters of the Rose Event and Workshop with two High Priestess Rose Sisters?

If you have been gifted the smell of roses, see roses wherever you go, are connected to the Blue-ray Divine Mothers, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Sophia, and Isis, or are Devoted to the Goddess and Gaia, this may be your calling. 

Together we will honor Mary Magdalene for the feminine Christ that she is and for the Magdalene Christ that dwells within you on the day the world celebrates Mary on 22 July 2023. This will be a very powerful portal day!

Keleena & Shekina’s unique styles will guide you through a profoundly transformational weekend for your ascension while teaching the priestess sisterhood circle and how it has evolved to continue in today’s modern world. They will discuss how through our sacred hearts, we are to live with the support of our sisters in divine love, compassion, gratitude, wisdom & unity and how you will continue this tradition with your sacred work as a Sacred Sister of the Rose.

Shekina will also share about the Blue Ray and who she is as a Blue Ray Angelic Rose Violet. Also, as a Blue Ray and Ruby/Gold Rose Ray, Keleena shares her Magdalene connection and her work as the High Priestess of the Temple of Isis.

Thursday, July 20th, 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM Opening Sacred Circle & PurificationFriday, July 21st, 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM Priestess Teaching & Coding Activations 

Saturday, July 22nd, 11:00-7:00 PM Sacred Sister Initiation & Temple Activation Day

(Global Honoring of Mary Magdalene) 

Impressive, powerful, and transformational three-day Sacred Sisters of the Rose Event and Workshop.

**Find out more and Register Now

Reserve Your space

July 20 - 22, 2023. 


New Earth High Frequency Activation, Upgrades, Heal Upgrades, Healing, Clearing, Balancing, Divine Language of Light Sound Codes

This webinar welcomes all Empaths, Starseeds, Sensitive Souls, WayShowers, Lightworkers, and Grid Workers for the "Divine Angelic Human."

Both Shekina and Keleena assist all souls in their awakening journey. As super-sensitive Blue Ray empaths, both experience days when silence, rest, and peace are much needed to integrate the changes occurriang within the bodies as their sensitivity levels heighten with each new shift in frequency.

Both understand through their own experiences and utilize their wisdom as wayshowers to assist you, whether you are super sensitive or newly experiencing sensitivity with your awakening and transformation.

What you can expect from the Language of Light Activations, Upgrades, and Channelings:

      Channeled information on the Ascension Energies:  What’s happening to the empaths and newly sensitive?

      Clearing and releasing soul contracts, vows, oaths, black magic from all incarnate lives, and more.

      Sacred Heart I AM presence alignment.

      High-frequency divine light language sound codes will be performed to activate you through your DNA at the cellular level to align you with the new vibration of your soul essence.

      Ascension Group attunements will increase the holy divine power within you.

      Earth code heart transmissions to release stress/anxiety.

      Angelic Sacred Heart Song chakra clearing, balancing, and healing.

      Fairy Devic Song transmissions & light language activations for joy & happiness frequency.

      Galactic Star codes for sensitivity & healing.

      Ancient & Ancestral light codes upgrade for your personal development.

      Devas of Healing Radiant Codes Divine Soul Heart Alignment.

      Earth Star Shamballa Unity Chakra New Earth Grounding the earth sensitive.

Shekina & Keleena are specialists in their fields as Wayshowers of the Awakening for Ascension. Both are Divine Channelers, Light Language DNA Key Code Breakers & Activators, Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healers, Intuitives, Psychic, Visionary, Light Language Harmonizers, Crystalline Frequency Voice Activators, Vibrational Frequency Changers, Artists, Songstress and more.

Are you ready to join these two high-frequency activators for multi-level upgrades for a two-hour webinar?

                                                                                                Join them:   

Sunday May 21st, 2023   

11:00 AM PST, USA  (2+ hours)

                                                                     Energy Exchange: $44.00

                (If you cannot attend this live, continue to purchase and it will be recorded, and a  replay will be emailed to you in a day or two after the event. 

***Registration Link:

If you can’t use paypal, feel free to use STRIPE, you will be added manually and will receive the confirmation email from zoom, this could take up to 24 hours.

By purchasing, you will be agreeing to the Terms and Conditions