Hearing the clarion call of Light from your empathic soul heart—a beautiful, powerful mission of Love—you seek the healing from the illusion separation of your human spirit from Creator.
It was not that you were forced to come. Mother Earth sent out her signals for help. Throughout the sound waves of Creation, you recognize her heart cry through your own soul being. 13
It was an act of compassion for you to come, for you are a deeply sensitive heart-centered soul and knew you would need to come through the veil of density and partial forgetfulness. In sacred reverence for Mother Earth and the souls of humanity, you had complete faith and trust in the Divine Plan. Your soul history of mastery gave you the purpose that you would remember and awaken to your true Self.
You were shown the future, that you would create an influx of Light as you would come together as a wave of souls (concert of souls), a frequency of initiates of a higher human race on the planet “the Christos” soul embodiment Light-Presence, and break through the controlling dogma and limitations of the messiah complex.
You heard this call because your soul could; not all souls could hear the holy codes and serve in this way. You, the Peacemakers, came from every part of the cosmos, including planets, galaxies beyond galaxies, realms and dimensions to contribute to the ever-rising frequency bands of Cosmic Consciousness—beyond duality— including Peace, Love, Light, Nonjudgment, Mercy and Compassion. Your soul is adept in that it knows well the evolutionary rise of a planetary system, ascending via higher frequency, as many of you are leaders of Light, pure souls, ascended beings, Angelics, including Archangels and those from the Galactic Federations and Atlanteans. 33
The Blue Rays/ Star Seed Mission of the Mother Frequency
The elite groups of power and control, in their arrogance and ignorance of not understanding and getting to know true Sacred Divine Feminine energy, engaged wittingly and unwittingly in attempting to block or shut down her connections and pathways to God. They misinterpreted the Goddess’ sacred language of Love and her spiritual, intuitive heart connectedness with all natural and human life, the planet and the Cosmos.
God’s radiance was shining through her in ways that many could not see or feel, so it was not real to them. They attempted to stifle her voice and seize her power.
This created a huge imbalance for mankind, for without a balance of the divine masculine AND THE DIVINE FEMININE, they would be lost and not able to ascend. They became disconnected from Life, their home planet Mother Earth, and each other, many not caring about the pollution and poisoning of the crops, soil, water, oceans, air and sky. Now, the Divine Feminine holds the keys to connections and healing they need to survive.
The Blue Ray/ Star Seeds were vibrationally attuned through the water element of the Sacred Divine Feminine via the celestial codes of planets and dimensions from which they came. Their arrival ushered a healing dispensation of the Blue Ray light of creation of the Sacred Divine Feminine of balance and healing for the planet.
The Empath Missions of the Star Seeds
Your mission on Mother Earth Gaia would require the reawakening of the empathic ley line grids of the planet. Many of you would serve as empaths as Planetary Grid workers, assisting with the spiritual energy current in moving, directing and activating sacred sites for the higher good of Earth Mother, creating reconnections to the Cosmic Holy Light grid and celestial heavens.
Others’ specialty would be to illuminate the empathic light codes of the Human Divine Blueprint as a healer, sensing and then seeing the energies of the body and being able to raise the light code frequency so the spirt could become more of the Divine Love in its true creation. The empath healers would be able to sense, see and feel the pain and trauma of others and know how to transform the energies. Many would be Blue Ray Transformers and be born in difficult genetics families just to be able to vibrate a higher resonance of light through the generational lines.
The Earth Angel would be an alchemist, working with planet medicines and the archangels of life, and knowing how to work with the sacred elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and also crystal. As Earth Angel sensitive empaths, you would know how to be alchemists of these holy elements, co-working with the Devas, Pan and the elemental kingdoms to implement transformation of light, love and healing through and with them.
You would remember and awaken to the lost arts of Sacred Sound, crystal and Light healing, where your soul has used these to bring profound awakenings and transformation. The Sacred Divine Feminine would arise in many of you where you would teach, gather and empower the priestess and Goddess traditions of wholeness and Love. The singers of Light would sing codes from the many realms and ancient holy tongues, reestablishing our communion with God and Divine healing through the Angelic tones of peace.
Your First Star Seed Mission of the Lightworkers of Mother Earth Gaia
The Star Seeds/ Lightworkers all know the way of the unity heart. Without limitations, restrictions and dogma, you are here to illuminate the Creator’s Love of Light essence on the planet. You innately know how to receive the light code signals from the Sun, Stars, higher light sources and celestial heavens in reclaiming your cosmic heritage, regenerating the sacred body temple that elevates the consciousness.
This has been your first Star Seed/ Lightworkers’ mission of Mother Earth Gaia. Now, set into motion by events, planetary alignments and the acceleration of time shifts and lines, we will experience a second wave of incoming Light Frequency.
You are beloved and held in the holiest of Love, as you stand amongst and with the most highly appreciated warriors of Light and Peace; the Legions of Light, cloaked and everywhere at-the-ready, with Archangel Michael at the helm on Earth and in its upper realms; Heaven and Earth are once again reuniting. To be continued.
Find out if you are from the Blue Ray?
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process.
Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
Shekina Rose, Blue Ray Star born, Channel of the Blue Ray, was downloaded in 2008 that she was from the Blue Ray where she received the information and history of who these empathy sensitive Star beings their characteristics traits and their mission on the planet. Shekina has had 3 NDE where after, science analyzed her voice, and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love “(Solfeggio)” , Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet.
She is an Angelic Messenger Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist Intuitive empath a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions and Soul Readers