Integrating and Settling of the Frequency Holders Transition to the New Earth
Many of the new forerunners frequency holders of the New Earth continue to allow the incoming sacred frequency to settle and anchor. You may be feeling and sensing new information, insights and pathways about your purpose, Galactic mission, origins and spiritual gifts.
There is a renewal of inspiration for a new direction for you to share and express your unique gifts of the Creator. You are being given signs, signals and affirmations that you are part of something greater—a Divine Plan—where an enhanced support field for your reason for being here on the planet is increasing connection with your divine inner power and spirit guides.
Timeline Shift: A Choice to Make
Some may be experiencing shifts in the timeline where there is a sudden lag as if time has stopped for half a moment though in that lapse you expand out of time to interdimensional space. This is where you sense an increase in your multidimensional awareness and expanded vibrational resonances. This gives you an energetic imprint marker on your journey of life and that you have a choice to make. What is being given is an upgrade expansion of your Divine Blueprint Creator Source field.
You are learning how to consciously astral and time travel as time keepers of your own destiny and this may be the reason why people have suddenly left or entered your life and/or why there could be conflicts with others.
Ringing Tone Frequencies in the Ears 333
The New Earth frequencies of the ringing tone frequencies in the ears or hearing musical tones may come and then go away. It will usually be in only one of the ears. This can be your frequency shifting and expanding, recalibrating to a higher frequency capacity.
This can also be a sign of contact from your guides/the Universe about your ascension and where you are receiving spiritual downloads. (Always check with a healthcare provider to rule out any medical or physical issues.)
Notice if you have any intense emotions that present themselves as this can be an energetic block(s) ready to be transformed, allowing you to not only progress but to also increase your vibrational frequency. Allow, breathe, let go/release to love and forgiveness all attachments, cords, control agendas and soul contracts that no longer serve where you are now in your highest good of your sovereign self.
Honor the process of anchoring the alignment with your own unique personal frequency and the cycles of Gaia as your body may be shifting and integrating by way of clearing toxins, programs and emotions where you will need down time and resting. You will know for how long and when the Universe is calling you to act and re-emerge.
By being mindful of these processes, you are working with the sacred divine feminine and being natural Gatekeepers for the New Earth Grid by the flow and transformations that are happening through you. The sacred divine feminine healing of balance is emerging through the higher heart of the crystalline light body and grids of Gaia. You are this New Earth emerging.
Thank you for your presence here on Gaia at this time. Your answering the call to come is of greatest service; you have a place here that is much honored and you are completely loved and cherished.
2018 Inner Earth/Pleiadian 333 New Earth Message Number Sequences Contact /Sedona AZ
Welcome and Namaste, Family of Light ~ Experience transformational and healing transmissions in the language of light in ancient Solfeggio frequencies of Miracles and DNA repair in the supernatural sacred (vortexes)” of the stunning red rocks of Sedona, AZ, and the latest ascension updates of the Blue Ray Transmission for the starseed sensitive empath.
Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018 New One Earth Starborn Mission
Energy portal structures of the frequency of the One New Earth
- Published in Inner Earth
Galactic Light Signals are Contacting You with the Shambhala New Earth Mission
The Inner Earth, Pleiadian Ascended Masters of Shambhala, Agartha and Galactic families are reaching out in communication via their ships, light ships, orbs, spheres, Light generator transmission, in dreams, and through telepathic and empathic communications.
The Blue Rays, Starseeds, Lightworkers and Sensitive Empaths are being contacted by their star lineages and picking up signals and messages as they have an innate sensory awareness of the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms. You are awakening more fully to who you are and remembering part of your mission as an emissary ambassador from the Galactic and interdimensional planes. Many more who have not been on the awakened journey are now being contacted in various ways for a greater unified field.
As the frequency shift continues “Ascension”, the energies of the Great Central Sun are able to activate more of the electrons and light fields of the sensitives through the Divine Holy Matrix of the interdimensional planes. This is happening for all life here on Gaia and the interconnected realms as each individual’s unique response will determine their future and role to be played.
The Shambhala Mission
Within your core memory of your DNA is carried the Shambhala Mission. The Shambhalans are conduits via the brotherhood of light as the ascended masters who carry the heart of the Creator of the Christ Consciousness of humanity. They hold resonances of unification within the holy matrix of the Divine Principle of One. The Shambhalans are an advanced ancient civilization that exists within the Earth plane where the illuminated ones live in balance of Nature-in peace and harmony. At different times and cycles they come to individuals to bring teachings and awakening.
The Blue Rays, Starseeds and Light Bearers
The Blue Rays, Starseeds and Light Bearers have a natural predisposition of empathy, telepathy and expanded expression to their Galactic and Light Angelic origins. Many of you have connections and close kinship to the ascended masters. You are here for a reason, a purpose, and a mission that is being awakened now. You have within you innate knowing of the greater Alliance of light, Law of One, interplanetary planes and Peace-your Destiny. Your spirit is remembering a sacred union, a calling through the heart radiance that we share. This heart radiance expands beyond the Earth plane as a cosmic heart field of the Universe that is awakening the starbeing ambassadors and commanders.
Regardless of what is taking place within your governments and system structures, you are here as a free mason star being ambassador. You exist in a higher octave outside of those structures, having come through certain rays and star alignments. This facilitated a certain DNA resonance of remembrance and connection on the Earth plane. Even your so-called learning disabilities and great sensitivity were such that you would not be entrained into certain dogma and structures that would dull your sensory connections to keep your divine source undefiled.
You have extended family in the Inner Earth and ascended Galactic realms who are reaching out to Gaia and humanity for the mission of Shambhala to create peace with the interplanetary and galactic races that are a part of the landscape and interdimensional realms of Gaia.
A great shift is occurring for you to know and be awakening to your extended Galactic, Angelic Earth families and lineages. A beautiful lightwave band is unfolding that encompasses all things of connectivity in the Universe. As the sun shines from the place of the center source, we are this Love that distributes a frequency of Light. We love you and we are family. 333
The Inner Earth, Pleiadian Ascended Masters of Shambhala, Agartha and Galactic families are reaching out in communication via their ships, light ships, orbs, spheres, Light generator transmission, in dreams, and through telepathic and empathic communications.
The Blue Rays, Starseeds, Lightworkers and Sensitive Empaths are being contacted by their star lineages and picking up signals and messages as they have an innate sensory awareness of the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms. You are awakening more fully to who you are and remembering part of your mission as an emissary ambassador from the Galactic and interdimensional planes. Many more who have not been on the awakened journey are now being contacted in various ways for a greater unified field.
As the frequency shift continues “Ascension”, the energies of the Great Central Sun are able to activate more of the electrons and light fields of the sensitives through the Divine Holy Matrix of the interdimensional planes. This is happening for all life here on Gaia and the interconnected realms as each individual’s unique response will determine their future and role to be played.
The Shambhala Mission
Within your core memory of your DNA is carried the Shambhala Mission. The Shambhalans are conduits via the brotherhood of light as the ascended masters who carry the heart of the Creator of the Christ Consciousness of humanity. They hold resonances of unification within the holy matrix of the Divine Principle of One. The Shambhalans are an advanced ancient civilization that exists within the Earth plane where the illuminated ones live in balance of Nature-in peace and harmony. At different times and cycles they come to individuals to bring teachings and awakening.
The Blue Rays, Starseeds and Light Bearers
The Blue Rays, Starseeds and Light Bearers have a natural predisposition of empathy, telepathy and expanded expression to their Galactic and Light Angelic origins. Many of you have connections and close kinship to the ascended masters. You are here for a reason, a purpose, and a mission that is being awakened now. You have within you innate knowing of the greater Alliance of light, Law of One, interplanetary planes and Peace-your Destiny. Your spirit is remembering a sacred union, a calling through the heart radiance that we share. This heart radiance expands beyond the Earth plane as a cosmic heart field of the Universe that is awakening the starbeing ambassadors and commanders.
Regardless of what is taking place within your governments and system structures, you are here as a free mason star being ambassador. You exist in a higher octave outside of those structures, having come through certain rays and star alignments. This facilitated a certain DNA resonance of remembrance and connection on the Earth plane. Even your so-called learning disabilities and great sensitivity were such that you would not be entrained into certain dogma and structures that would dull your sensory connections to keep your divine source undefiled.
You have extended family in the Inner Earth and ascended Galactic realms who are reaching out to Gaia and humanity for the mission of Shambhala to create peace with the interplanetary and galactic races that are a part of the landscape and interdimensional realms of Gaia.
A great shift is occurring for you to know and be awakening to your extended Galactic, Angelic Earth families and lineages. A beautiful lightwave band is unfolding that encompasses all things of connectivity in the Universe. As the sun shines from the place of the center source, we are this Love that distributes a frequency of Light. We love you and we are family. 333
Are You From the Blue Ray?
Peacemakers Call into Action of service
Empaths Back on the Planet:
Your Role Here as Peacemaker on Gaia
Peace Makers Call into Action of service
The dark serves the light
You are vital for peace on the planet to take root. There are myriad expressions of the human DNA experiment on Gaia today. Because of certain influences of the creator gods, what appear as negative aspects are being played out on the Earth plane where man’s inhumanity to man and the greater whole is still being acted out.
Many humans do not truly understand that being in service to others, they are truly serving themselves and the greater whole. They are still mired in dogma, forcefully holding onto what little power they think they have for fear of losing all control, not realizing that in order to access the high road (true power), letting go of everything one thinks one knows is key.
It is difficult for them to even have access to this type of understanding due to their nature and DNA influences. Their actions can cause great pain and suffering and are passed throughout the lineages and DNA. Because of this and other aspects that are now in the process of shifting and being revealed, the life span on Earth had been shortened drastically. Once-upon-a-time, lifespans of 300 to 1000 years were the norm for the masters and many star races, and provided the opportunity to see and experience the effects of what one had created (or mis-created) with their energy.
Many beings have been sent here to Gaia to help restore the empathic genetic lines of love, oneness and service to others. The empathic sensitives are volunteers coming via the ascended masters, Shambhala, Blue Ray, Indigo, Crystal, Golden, Green, Rose and Christ template to assist in restoring the holy lines of light.444
The empaths are sensory and feeling oriented as they pick up signals and messages through their innate intuitive awareness of others and the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms. They can feel the pain of others and receive information and knowledge from music, places, people, pictures and the ethers. They tune into Nature and receive through their sensory awareness information from the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms.13
Many of the empaths are Starseeds from another star system or galaxy as in the Blue Rays. Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. These Starseeds are the lost ray of the Light Worker and work closely with the consciousness of Gaia and Nature.
Living on Gaia as an empath sensitive can be very challenging in the current state of times. Violence, harsh words, aggressive attacking behavior and loud intense environments can hurt and disrupt for you thrive on harmony and being connected to your higher self as you are the Peacemakers. 444
And as for this you find the way to create harmony and resolutions thus creating enhanced resonances fields with the other Empaths and Peace makers for the entire planet. Whereas your raise your frequency knowing the dark serves the light. You are not against anything as that keeps the resistance alive – you are for what your true blue print is revealing to you. And that you can use to serve the light and greater whole. 33
Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.
Over the years, ongoing relationships with various star galactics and ascended beings have opened me up to enhanced information and insight in how other life intelligence views and sees humanity. It has awakened dormant star and galactic DNA and expanded my understanding of life and what it is to be human, exacerbating my love for humanity and Creator Source. We are magnificent beings more amazing than we know and so beloved in the Universe for who we are and our DNA lineages. I am grateful and excited to be here at this time of ascension and the revealing of our ancient sacred history and divine joyous future.
Increased Empathic Sensitivity, Psychic Attacks & Empowered Ascension Purpose
You have a divine incarnation of empathy of great sensitivity, a holy encodement gift of sensory intuitive awareness that would enhance the vibratory field of humanity and awakening dormant Angelic Devic DNA intelligence and higher divine octaves. This would restore the holy kingdoms, brother and sisterhoods of light and Galactic heritage, creating the new earth and new timelines.
Much is happening in the heavens, the skies, relationships, the energies, the dimensions, the world; other people that you might know are having sudden defensive reactions to your path and who you are. There are shifts and disclosures taking place at different levels that are creating increased purification of your energy bodies, where you are addressing your own creations and releasing deep outmoded thought forms, emotions, soul contracts and timelines.
You may be seeing the world differently even from where you were a month or a year ago. Seeing and experiencing other-worldly beings, energies, information, technologies, nature, the devic kingdom, animals and trees may be revealing their communications and visuals to you.
You may be intuitively guided to see and know things in your skies where others are not. Your desire and choice create awakening for you to experience these creations, other realms and perimeters of reality. You are the wayshowers and forerunners creating this movement.
In raising your vibration, choose love and forgiveness, knowing when to let go and walk away. Bless others in seeing their true light essence even when they are not and when they are being hurtful and attacking you, as this is a lack and disconnection to love and source. They are choosing not to go to the light source within as that part of them wants you to feel and be at that lower vibration to disconnect further from Source light.
You are on the very brink where an increase of the population, the starseeds, light emissaries will be able to see these disincarnate beings and negative attachments to these lower and dark emotions. You will also be able to see the light emanations from Source to each other and the Galactic families. The ones who choose to accompany the darker, lower thoughts and emotions become a vehicle for a physical presence on the earth plane, where these disincarnate malevolent beings are able to attach through them and exist and create more chaos, war and fear in the world.
Often, your biggest mission to change destiny and the course of your direction and theirs is to not engage in these lower dimensions and entanglements. Many of the sensitive empaths are feeling a strengthening of their purpose and path-by seeing these discarnate energies and recognizing them immediately for what they are-out of synch with your vibration and having the innate ability to transform them by holding to their own Love and Light power within or walking away to live to Love another day/way.
Sometimes it can feel like a psychic attack; this can also occur if you are a Blue Ray Transmuter as when you go into an area where thought forms or spirits need release. What happens is they see your Light and are wishing for release; if this occurs, open a portal of divine Light to Source and send them Love and compassion, with no entanglements or attachments. You can also ask the Holy Spirit Christ Light and the angels to take them.
What is psychic attack? The projection and intent of negative energies, conscious or unconscious, to inflict harm upon you.
Symptoms of psychic attack, entity attachment and/or that your energy field is too open and exposed:
(Note: You may want to consider consulting a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension; and though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.)
- Jealousy and envy directed toward you
- Thoughts and feelings that come out of nowhere of dread and negativity
- Like you just stepped into a dark energetic vibration
- Being with someone or somewhere where you feel your life force is being drained
- Sudden anxiety
- Not feeling yourself
- Bad dreams
- Wanting to argue or defend yourself when you are usually not like that
- Unable to concentrate
- Being scattered / unable to complete daily tasks
- Low energy and depression; take notice especially, empath super sensitives, that you do not have lost souls and spirits in your field; get cleared.
- Suddenly doubting your path and soul’s purpose; be aware when you feel this way after watching certain movies or TV shows and with certain people.
Psychic Protection and Important to Remember 4th Dimension Collapsing
In the past it was easier to keep blocking old emotions and traumas, separation from spirit; now the crystalline sound frequency is so high it is breaking the karmic collective from your bodies and systems. And many times you are vibrating at such a divine frequency of Light that you activate the fear and wounded nature in others without your knowing and their unhealed parts can attack you.
Remember to not get into entanglements and attachments with others who are projecting and saying negativity toward you. By engaging in negativity with them or thinking it, you are allowing yourself to be involved in their entanglement that can allow cords to attach to you.
What you can do. Say aloud or to yourself:
I am surrounded by legions of light, Archangel Michael power protection of the Archangels realms, the Mighty Elohim, Blue-Fame angels, Rose Ray in the Violet flame to hold all my parts, energy and fields in integrity and Highest Love, I am and call all authority in the power of the Universes, all ascended beings, as I decree my I am Christos unfolding divine presence of oneness and unity.
“At the highest point where my soul meets God at the point of Creation, I release you in peace. I return our connection to the most benevolent cause and highest Divine Plan of Love and Light. Restore all my energy fields to integrity and in divine alignment of the Creator Source. I accept All of God, Life, Source, planetary ascension to serve me as I Am that I Am.”
- Published in Blog, Transmission
Galactic Cycle Ending of the Blue Ray Starseeds 1st Mission New Evolutionary Timeline
You are experiencing an ending of a galactic alignment of a great cycle where soul agreements and deep emotions are coming up for review and completion, and where the 1st blue ray starseed mission has completed.
The galactic alignment occurs once every 26,000 years, where your ancient indigenous people have prophesied great change, earth shifts, social and economic upheaval, the return of the star people, peace or war and the choices humanity would take for their destiny. 444 You starseed and blue ray are here to create a new evolutionary timeline.
Galactic alignment is a result of the procession of the equinoxes, where the Earth, Sun and Galactic Center are in a straight line with the galactic plane. This is a time where we receive DNA energetic encodements from the Great Central Sun Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades.
Blue Rays Emissaries of Light of Intergalactic Codes
Blue rays and starseeds, you have come to earth for this transitional cycle. You are the emissaries of Light who carry the harmonic resonances of the intergalactic codes. You traversed through the many different ascended planets and realms, from far-distant star, solar systems and higher dimensions and through the blue ray for the specific frequency alignment for Gaia and the Ascension.
Who are the Blue Ray Beings?
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.
The Blue Rays’ 1st Mission
As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity and set the stage for the other Rays to come. Your first mission was to be born in a family where you were to transform the damaged DNA of your blood ancestry line for humanity and the planet. This is a huge mission-to be able to vibrate your frequency here on the planet and not lose the connection through trauma while healing of the family dynamics. Because you are transformers, you have the violet ray of transformation in your aura energy field with your main vibration resonating to Blue. 10:10
Blue Ray, by being a vehicle of transformation, the light of Source would have an energetic entryway of reconfiguration through both directions-past and future timelines-all starseeds, light bearers and new forerunners are here to do this through their conscious alignment to reconfigure the distorted energies by raising their frequency to light and love.
For many of the Blue Rays, this 1st mission has come to completion with these beginning teachings of being an ascended master, as the heart of love was always lighting the way of truth within you the divine tools to transcend. You had to seek who you truly were as you felt that this was not your true family and that you were from the stars. This inner knowing is your guide. 333
After enough quota of energetic healing of being on this path serving your family lineage, you receive great signals, signs and a knowing that there is completion and/or movement where all you can do is accept the changes. 33 The scales have reached a place where your soul contract may have ended, and yes, love prevails. If you stay too long the discordant energies and pain would slow you and become unbearable and keep you from your inner soul gifts wishing to be expressed. The signature of your soul vibration is calling for freedom of the grander expression of who you are. 444
Starseed Blue Ray Pre-encoded awakening
There has been an enhanced field of the Blue Ray resonance on the planet that is calling the blue rays to come out of hiding, connect with each other and align in the divine holy matrix. As a blue ray, you will receive a pre-encoded awakening sometime on your path that will guide you to know who you are and the right information, circumstance. This can also manifest as moving to different locations and visiting various places of the earth where some are portals, vortexes and sacred sites.
A new cycle of focus is here for all starseeds and Blue Rays of why you came to Gaia. You have an important role to play through your cosmic lineage and unique spiritual gifts that will assist the larger Divine Plan of ascension.
You Have the Right to Know Who You Are 13
Shekina Rose and the Sacred Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace
Our voice speaks in the power of Love of the Creator’s Heart and through all life for the Sacred Divine Feminine Light to be re-established within the Divine DNA Blueprint of Humanity.
Our expressions of form have been established on Gaia as the manifestation of the Goddess that is the Holy Mother, the Divine Principle of One. We are a frequency in unison of light moving through life in the Creator’s field out to the Universes and planes of existence.
Our presence here is to help you remember this part and place of Creation within yourself and the Earth plane. We have different orientations, perspectives and ways that we have traveled in and out of time and the Universe of expression and we have a common Light of the Creator’s Heart of presence.
We are the Divine Feminine Presence of the Venusians, Anunnaki, Sumerians, Inner Earth Pleiadians, Lemurians, Lakota, Orion, Sirians, Lyrians, Hathors, Galactic Families and different fields and Rays of expression, which may or may not make sense to you based on the way you have been indoctrinated into life. Most of the expressions on life have their origins in other places of the Galaxy, Universe interdimensional planes that have been seeded on Earth.
We are here for Love. We are here in Light.
Our hearts gather in a symphony of song that can be heard and known across creations.
Our presence is converging to be of service in the unveiling of great revelations on your planet, to assist in the transition of timelines of different interplay with Gaia as her note is rising and shifting and this has effect on the time-space of Creation.
By the frequency of light you emit, we know who you are and where a planet, a race, a galaxy is headed in the timeline space. This is not something that can be false witnessed and one way you can navigate and create through what is coming. You have a right to know who you are, your intrinsic value and place in the Universe and how to use your Divine DNA Blueprint.
You will be presented with opportunities via revelations and disclosure on the planet. Not all agendas are for the Law of One; we express the Unity of One.
We wish to share ways of expressions that tap into the resonance fields and timelines that can benefit the whole. Within your own DNA are alchemical equations of the Creator’s field that you can tune into and merge into frequency resonances of different time space.
There is a connecting field that exists within all of you through your energetic blueprint, one being at the solar plexus, where the soul is connected through a unifying field that expands through a super highway conductor of the Cosmos of information, and some of you are more sensitive to this than others. The Starseeds and Star Children have an enhanced sensory DNA access of empathic and ethereal sight. They are the ones who have a specific calling to be of service to the Universe by reactivating these holy imprint codes of Humanity. They are of the Sacred Divine Feminine nature.
You are all connected with each other within the field of knowledge and there are other ways to know and see that are beyond deception. It is your right to be a fully divine human, activated to your true design within the Universal Light Lattice of the Creator’s field.
The divine feminine has a different resonance in its expression and this expression is one of the missing keys on the planet. Revelations will be coming in other ways, in the revealing of your own true nature, the blueprint of the stars within you and expanded ways for communications and healing, to experience each other, true intent, truth and origin and how to make shifts and alterations using frequency, Divine love and Compassion for your life, relationships and the greater whole.
Your True Nature has the rights of the Gods, miracles, transformation, alchemy, time travel, inter-dimensional technologies, the rights and resources of this earth and Universe.
For your DNA came with these technologies though they may not be fully recognized. This is not just for “special beings, hierarchies and the Gods. You are not inferior or in any way to be shamed for your birth here. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You have the rights of the earth. You were born here. You have a divine birth right.
God is Light and Love is the emanation of this Light. Light is frequency. The frequency of God is Light in action coming from the Creator. God is the act of the Creator
- You are Light.
- You are Love.
- You are God.
- You are Frequency.
- You are the Frequency’s Light of the Creator.
We speak in Gaia’s name, for we all share a love for her and she is a resonance in our tones in the Universe. She has an exquisite beauty for she carries many octaves and levels of the Creator’s Heart. Through her resonances on Earth, the life songs of Gaia are carried out through the Cosmos and have a far reach back out to the origins of which they came through.
It is why Gaia, Mother Earth, is so precious and so misunderstood and why the battle ensues for her domain, as the creation of many life forms and beings exist here. We are here to tell you, precious ones of the Universe, a great secret. You have the power of the Universe of the Creator’s Heart and Soul. You have come to Gaia to partake of the soil, the breath, and the Light Source of the Central Sun. All living beings on Gaia have the same rights as the Creator Soul which lives in you.
At different times, certain aspects of our expression, we speak and share with you so as to reactivate those aspects of cellular remembrance and awakening through the Sacred Feminine Divine Blueprint of the intergalactic and star lineages you are from. You are immensely loved and cherished and we hold you dearly within our hearts as the Universe of Creation sings your song of continued Light Praise.
In the name of humanity, we support and uphold your Divine lineage that reaches through all of us. In unity of one LOVE.
The Blue Ray Beings and the Sacred Divine Feminine
The Blue Rays, ultra-sensitive empath star beings, have a special connection to the Sacred Divine Feminine and Codes of Creation. As this is one of their main connections, through their ascension is the way of the Mother Frequency. The Blue Rays’ super empathic nature and intuitive body resonance is an aspect of the dormant DNA codes of the Mother’s frequency. These DNA codes are being activated to unify and create access to other intelligent life forces needed to support Earth and humanity in the Divine Power of Love.
From Shekina Rose
This transmission has not happened overnight. The Sacred Divine Feminine has been an integral expression of my path throughout my whole life and pre-soul agreements before coming to the planet, starting with the arrival of my star family and star mother in my early 20’s, and later in 2008 downloaded with the information that I was from the Blue Ray including its sacred knowledge. I have been sharing the Blue Ray Transmissions on ascension, the ancient sacred technologies, to empower the ultra-sensitive empath starseeds on this planet, letting them know they are not alone and assisting them with their mission of light on the planet.
The Sacred Divine Feminine Light Counsel and their expressions and representatives accelerated and increased their communications and visits with me when I moved to Sedona, Arizona. The Shekinah flame appeared and spoke to me in the early 2000’s and became part of my expression and essence. Three near death experiences have increased my sensitivities and awareness to the Light and inter-dimensions.
Over the next six years, the Inner Earth Pleiadians, Lemurians, and Mother Mary communicated with me in their ships in person, through light generators, the Venusian’s song and their light ships with collaborations with ancient sacred technological devices and light portals. The Arcturians and Sirians gave specific higher dimension songs and sound codes that would activate the pineal gland stargate and dormant Galactic DNA.
At each interval of our galactic and star family arrival, I would have very physical experiences as we would perform a different task in building the light quotient. I developed very profound relationships with some of them which has changed me. These communications with the ET and star family and the evidence of them coming has been documented in the book, Sedona: City of the People, by Mark Amaru Pinkham and the impetus for the TV video series “Supernatural Sedona”.
I am very grateful to be here on Gaia to remember home here on the planet through my Light family. Thank you for being here at this most auspicious time.
I love you! ~Shekina Rose
- Published in Blog
Blue Ray Transmission Empath Starbeing Angelic Gateway Dimensional Shift 444
By Shekina Rose
A stronger connection to the Angelic realms to the planet has occurred There is no places that we cannot reach you on earth, we are here and always with you. The Angels
A dimensional shift is occurring at this writing and beckoning you to awareness and to be a part of the higher frequencies and cellular light increase. This new gateway will open your sight into the inter-dimensions and messages from 5th higher dimensional beings. Go within.
Your cellular memories are awakening of the Angels and celestial Light communities you are from, also referred to as the Angelic Star Tribes, Bird Tribe, Angelics and Star Seeds. Many of you have alliances with those sacred lineages. The Angelic dimensional gateway is here and reverberating in your longing to be united to resonate to what it is to be a true real Human. 33
444 the sign of the Angels. Their presence is with you.
There is an increase in seeing these signs of the Angels, the Angelic Realms and celestial star communities. The Angels and Angelic Realms are more accessible and are reaching out to you through signs, signals and in a variety of ways of Nature.
Angelic Realms signals:
The Angels and Angelic communities may be reaching out to you through signs of Angels in the shape of clouds, birds and feathers coming to you, in dreams, through a gentle breeze where you feel their signature message of love. “Call on us and we will be there; we are a part of humanity’s ascension.”
Angel Numbers from the Blue Ray Angelic Lineage
444 A power house of Angels are available to assist you or try to get your attention.
55 Archangel Michael working through the Blue Ray is nearby.
555 Archangel Michael. His energies of power, change and emphasis are put into service.
22 Archangel Raphael is ready to help. He provides healing energies and is a twin bringing electromagnetic balance to the energy body and relationships.
88 Archangel Gabriel is assisting you in your communications, creations and in sharing your life path gifts.
The Blue Ray Angelic
The Blue Ray Angelic is an ultra sensitive empath who is a Blue Ray and has strong resonance to the Angels and may have been an Angelic being. The Angels have a pronounced vibration in your field where you can communicate and know they are with you on some level.
Being an Angelic Blue Ray Starseed, I have a strong connection to the Angels and yet over the last month there has been an incredible increase with the Angelic realms and Angels. I also have a special affinity to the Angelic Star Tribes and there is connection to the lineages to the Bird People and Bird Tribes.
I can feel their Angelic presence has increased resonances in my life and can feel my angelic DNA as a presence throughout my entire energy field; this is a first time experience. I am also seeing a white light portal open up to me-it can be in a flash of light that lasts longer so I know it is them. And never before have I seen so many 444.
Enjoy this most amazing time on Gaia as we have crossed over into a higher dimension and our access to our beloved Angelic and Light celestial communities can easily reach us and many of us are becoming Angelic Star human.
~Shekina Rose
- Published in Blog, Blue Ray, Transmission
Angelic Love” 444 Gift from the Angels/Sung in a Angelic Language/Ancient Solfeggio
A love song from the Angels Free Gift to Humanity ~ Free download for Angelic Love
You are not alone We the angels are with you and a part of humanity, Your essence is Love, and you are so beloved!
These songs were “released” due to Keith’s Angel Wing creations. A stronger connection to the Angelic realms to the planet has occurred and this song from the Angelic voices is like a bridge to help humanity. There is no place that we cannot reach you on earth, we are here and always with you. the Angels
- Published in Blog, Language Of Light, Video
Your DNA is Responding to New Codes: Body Changes Ascension Symptoms 333
Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.
Many of the Light Bearers frequency holders will experience an upgrade body shift of purification and will be responding to New Codes of light.
Through your body template you will be shifting your vibrational frequency. This will increase your sensory awareness and intuition that expands your energy aura sensitivities. 11:11
The Blue Rays, Ultra-Sensitive Empaths, Starseeds, New Forerunners and Angelics may go through this first and are setting code tone resonances for the new grid lines and consciousness. This can be experienced in various ways and via cycles of changes.
Ascension Symptoms
It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process. There will be cycles and time periods that you may experience these shifts throughout the year and in times to come.
- Increase in emotional body awareness. An enhanced sense of the depth of dimension of the emotional body is expanding who you are and what you can do in the Universe. 11:11
- Heightened psychic awareness that increases your receptivity of messages from other worldly beings. Ongoing signs/synchronicities along the way, confirming you are indeed ‘on the right path.’
- Light transmissions in various ways, through orbs, light ships, light beams and what can be felt and experienced. 33
- Dietary changes and shifts: A new awareness that food can be used as frequency for pranic intake and easier assimilation of higher frequencies from Source.
- Times of exhaustion
- Feelings of an impending change. Sensing something is coming, which could feel uneasy, in the form of change for yourself and the world and yet not sure of the how and why. Note that this is an empowering sense that the old matrix is breaking up and you are feeling the collective consciousness of it. The uneasy part can come from not knowing where your new anchor and place in the world will be. You will not be forgotten or be left astray as you are this new place of awareness and you are creating this new Earth as a bridge builder and New Forerunner which will usher in more freedom. 13
- Time warps and the entering of dimensional time space. This can create challenges in knowing what time, day, month or year it is. These are brief moments when you realize that time is opening up and yet can be unsettling until you reach a harmonic within your energy space. Time is a reality created construct; you are part of and also of the expanded interdimensional existence on the planet. 10:10
- Memories resurfacing that had been forgotten and could even bring some sorrowful, melancholy energy. Do not go into the emotions of sadness as these are coming up for review and release of residue karma and for you to understand at a higher level these experiences and soul contracts and how/why you were a part of them.
- Physical backaches, strains and pains. Teeth issues with ear and upper respiratory ailments.
- Release from karmic contracts that brings a new sense of freedom and ushers in new soul mates and reunions of kindred clans.
- Attacks, dark negativity, bullying, and belittling—the opposing forces of light. Many have and are having experiences and contact with these energies personally and globally.Not always easy for ultra-sensitive empaths for your fields can feel and sense so deeply and experience others’ feelings as your own. This is a part of what you agreed upon to work out in your role as light keeper. Each one of you will find what is truly yours and what your personal course of action is. Much of what you face comes from very ancient contracts of war being played out from the original splits of Creation. And this is also being played out within the twin flames, divine counterparts and dark shadow twin flames. Remember, what is important is what your soul needs to heal, align and release, to be a Light Bearer and bring harmony to your life’s purpose.
- Internal call for cleansings, purification and getting clear with your body, life and home.
- The animal kingdom voice rising in multi-dimensional ways, getting your attention.
New Expression of the Creator, Universe and DNA—the Shakara.
The expansion of the body template is awakening ancient expressions of the Creator coming back online in the DNA resonances, the Shakara being one. The Shakara is the universal flow of embodiment of the Divine Sacred Feminine of sacred union. This has been awakened by the call for the twin flames and balance of the male and female energies of sacred union on the planet, as you are stepping into a higher awareness of the Creator’s field that is just beginning on your planet. 555
Your DNA is resonating to higher frequencies that open a bridge to higher mind and other dimensions of expression. The human Divine Blueprint is the foundation of the New Earth of dormant Galactic, ET, DNA codes that are emerging and awakening. Your body is becoming a truer expression of the God essence template of Divine Human.
- Published in Blog, Transmission
13 – 33 – 333 Number Sequences – New Earth Codes
“Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit to activate this transmission”
(Image courtesy: Mary Unveiled by Mary Angelico & Saleena Ki &
We are sharing a series of esoteric transmissions, invocations, activations of the sacred Divine feminine of Shekinah through Blue Ray to assist you through the great shift of 2012 and beyond. You the Blue Ray and many Light Bearers carry the new earth frequency of ascension through the sacred heart of the holy divine feminine.
As you read this information know that it is your own knowledge awakening, your sacred heritage and lineages. You the Blue Ray and the many Light Bearers true divine nature have been undercover of your full expression, gifts, talents and abilities, and as this information is being revealed so are you.
Higher Realms Number Code Sequences Activation
The higher realms, ascended masters, the Light and your guides communicate with you in many ways in your world and life. We are in constant communication and communion with you. One way that is increasing with momentum is through the sacred number sequences. They are more than mere numbers. They are sacred codes, energetic frequencies of dimension and light. These sacred codes of communication form sacred geometry and gateways, creating activation of your higher nature.
How the sacred numbers activate you
It is not that you are looking for the numbers or just seeing them, it is an activation and remembrance as you and the higher realms, the masters of ascended light and love, are aligning at a divine configuration of reality of time and space. It is a holy moment when this occurs. As you acknowledge this communion, it builds a stronger vibration of higher light in your energy field and life.
For some time now, many of you have been seeing the sacred number sequences occurring frequently in your life. It may have become such a common occurrence that has been easily discounted to, “Ah yes, I see the numbers all the time and that is all.”
Downloads from Spirit 44
If you have a connection with spirit in this way, we wish to remind you to stop for this holy moment and take it in. We know that many times you are busy with your life, and through mental processing may feel you cannot take time to be activated by the higher realms. Know that you are in a holy moment beyond time and space, a place of divine power, where a moment can become many hours, days or even years. When you return to this time space you will see that it was only a moment or minute in this reality.
Ah, yes, you can stop and stretch time and this is only the beginning of your unlimited potential multidimensional divine power. 55 It is why the power elite of times ago did not want the general public to know this esoteric wisdom. And why they created fear as a deterrent in ever seeking this knowledge and deeming it unholy. These age-old energies are leaving with the shift and emerging of the new earth. 44
Sacred communion with the higher realms and Masters of Light and love through the number sequences
You will see, hear or read a certain number sequence coming to you over and over. The number sequence will keep coming to you everywhere you go: when you check out in the store, on license plates, clocks, TV, movies, media – spirit will find clever ways to get your attention. It makes you stop for a moment; there is a knowing, a recognition that you are in communion with spirit; you feel it in your body and that is your confirmation. Trust this direct knowing through the sacred vehicle of your body, as it tells you of a meeting of two worlds, your holy moment. 13
You are now being given more information, energetic transmissions on the sacred number sequences. You can use them 44 to ride the information matrix, giving you exactly what you require energetically at any time. 333
Codes of the New Earth through sacred number sequences
13 –33-333 represent the new earth, golden age of Gaia through the sacred heart and the Christed female – the return of the Goddess, Shekinah and Sophia, the sacred divine feminine.
It is divinely powerful when you see these combinations of 13-33 together and 333 each one coming to you throughout your day. Together they are telling that you are a sacred way shower, a frequency holder of the new earth, that cellular rejuvenation of your light codes is taking place.
The Sacred Power of 13
13 is “The Return of the Goddess in all things”
Unity and balance, the natural order of life through the Holy Divine feminine and through the Sacred Heart. 13:13 and 10:10
The Sacred Power of 13 brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of ascension, the new earth frequency code, Unity and Oneness, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia; natural rhythms coming into balance and sacred order; taking back your power through the sacred divine feminine.
Mary Magdalene represents the 13 and the shift of 2012 that will bring the new earth codes. She and her essence have re-emerged at a time when earth and the people would be ready to receive her lost knowledge. This will bring the Christed female of the holy spirit of the embodiment of Shekinah.
13 is a unifying vibration, it is the Christ with the 12 disciples.
There are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year that honor the sacred divine feminine and at one time you followed here on earth.
13 was the sacred number of the ancient Egyptians, part of the sacred geometry of Creation to activate their sacred light body.
The Mayans, many Native Americans, Lemurians, Atlantean and ancient sacred cultures used the holy code frequency of 13.
The turtle represents the primordial goddess of 13; many turtles have 13 segments on their shells.
Mother Mary of Fatima appeared to the children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, for 6 consecutive months on the 13th day of each month. Her presence will come again on that day of 13 through Shekinah in the coming shift of ages.
13 has a secret divine power and esoteric frequency of the Mother essence to transform all things. In the past, the 13 number vibration was one of fear. As the power elite of the time wanted to steer you away from its true direct connection with source creation. It is why they distorted the truth creating instant fright around 13.
Your indigenous and ancient cultures used a different system of time and communion with the cosmos, life and Spirit that was more in tune to the natural rhythms of Creation and heartbeat of Gaia. This holy way of balance is returning through the great shift of the ages. The 13 vibration is a part of the holy alignment and healing.
Sacred code frequency meaning of 33
33 is the sacred heart, ascension, the masters of ascended light and love, the return of the Shekinah, the holy spirit heart flame of the Mother of Creation.
Sacred code frequency meaning of 333
333 means cellular activation of your light codes and you are working with the teams, legions of the masters of ascended light and love and higher light beings and realms.
We will continue to give you information through the Blue Ray on the esoteric hidden information of the sacred codes to assist the activation of your divine original blueprint. This will be a series of the sacred number frequency vibration of activations, invocations, esoteric wisdom and information that is now ready to be released. 11.11
You are being activated by reconnecting to the true meaning of the holy numbers, transmuting fear that brings holiness back to your cells and to God’s true nature. You are divine; we bless, honor and thank you. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in the highest Light and Love empowering you. You see, we are One! 13
- Published in Blue Ray
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