Activators & Resonators
Star White Light Crystal Pendants
Sedona White Light Crystals Pendants New discovery of the New Earth White light Crystals a Rare manifestation from the Sedona Vortex Universal City of Lights.These ultra-unique crystals are here to assist in our next stage of evolution towards the New One Earth and crystalline DNA. They have a life force of Nirvana Home frequency and brings in the white light, connects all the chakras and especially the crown chakra and Clears stagnant and blocked energies from one's energy field.
Sedona Activators
New Earth Inter-dimensional Angelic Frequencies Technology. The activators and Resonators are 2 pages 8 ½ by 11 download Powerful inter dimension portal art of connection and activation.
That are a download from the Higher Realms, (Pleiadians), Blue Ray, Mother Mary and created with the actual apparitions and pictures of Sedona portals, the language of light Codes and comes with information and instruction on how to use.
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